What Veganism can teach FOSS
Feb 5, 2025
I recently attended FOSDEM 2025, and was asked how it was I could possibly use Google Pay on my phone when I was clearly a vocal proponent of Free & Open-Source Software (FOSS). I said that believing in FOSS didn’t mean I needed to be uncompromising, and told a story about veganism.
Disclaimer: I don’t really know much about veganism. I try to live a low-meat diet. Don’t take anything in this post as an affront to veganism - any offence is very much not intended.
Language is Awesome
Nov 9, 2024
I was listening to the kids talking the other day. Some of the gibberish they were saying wasn’t English. Some of them weren’t words at all. And yet, they understood each other, and I understood most of it too.
Language is awesome. It’s interesting. It’s really local.
I speak English. English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet. Yet 85% of the world’s population don’t speak it.
That time I wanted 100% test coverage
May 4, 2024
In May 2019, filling in a timesheet, I was wondering if I’d actually done the correct number of hours. My company was a consultancy, so all hours needed to be recorded. It also ran a flexible working policy, so you didn’t fixed working patterns or a fixed number of hours in a day, so long as it remains compatible with your team and you get all of your hours done eventually.
QE Babble - Speed vs Quality (21 Feb 2024)
Feb 27, 2024
In my third week working at Doccla, the testers (Rachel and I) tuned into a session of QE Babble (available on LinkedIn and Meetup, although the latter links back to the former), hoping to get answers to one of the industry’s most pressing problems. The panel were asked a number of questions, and gave answers in turn. Whilst naturally, nobody had a silver bullet, there were some general themes that we liked.
Marking your own work
Jan 30, 2024
I recently read an essay written by my sister. She’s on her second or third degree, training to become a teacher. She’s worked in education for over a decade, but until I proof-read her recent essay, I had no worldly clue how much I didn’t know about learning.
I recently wrote about Learning about Learning - how I manage the list of things I want to learn, and how I structure that time.
Continuous Learning about Learning
Jan 15, 2024
I spent time in 2020 focussing on learning teaching skills. I knew that I already taught people both at work and in the testing community, but I was also acutely aware that there’s an entire industry of trained pedagogues out there, with actual proper skills that I didn’t have, and I could certainly learn to improve. There’s probably another post in what I learned, but lately I’m trying to focus on being more aware of my learning.
Naming Things isn't hard, but it's local
Jan 11, 2024
People say that naming things is hard. This isn’t a problem I’ve had. Coming up with a repo name for a containerised test environment repository is easy. Coming up with a name for a test harness is easy.
What I can’t do is conjure agreement on names for the kinds of tests that exist.
My New Year’s resolution is stop caring about it, and to convince other people to stop caring about it too.
Considerations for Local Test Environments
Dec 15, 2023
Dev, Int, Ref, Beta, Pilot, Pre-Prod, and lots of other labels for deployed environments of software that aren’t The Production Environment.
But sometimes you just need your hands on it, to manipulate it the way you want, or to get the observability that you need. You need a local test environment.
Last time I planned a local test environment, I wrote some notes, and I’ve tidied them below.
Data What is the data?
Oct 10, 2023
Recently, I was part of a discussion on LinkedIn about whether a Test Automation Engineer was required in order to reach 100% coverage of a set of a new features, or whether a group of developers could get there without the specialist expertise.
The answers already sufficiently covered the fact that outsourcing your test code to someone else is a bad idea.
My bigger concern was the idea that 100% coverage even exists at all.
Tacit & Explicit Knowledge
Sep 4, 2023
Dual Process Theory says that our brains work in two ways, often in parallel. One is reasoned and methodical, creating and executing on plans, analysing information, etc. The other is emotional, instinctual and cultural, acting on impulses, and taught to us from stimuli throughout our lives. This model maps directly to software implementation and testing. Some bugs are found by creating a set of actions and expectations, executing them and flagging when an expectation isn’t met.